Data on Demand
IVDT offers an number of convenient and efficient data outputs
At the Root of all SkidWeigh Systems is the Requirement for Convenient, Quick and Reliable Data
IVDT Provides Data Outputs that fit Your Business and Make it Easy to Integrate into Your Operation.
Print Systems
Perfect for quick receipt output and proof of event activity as it happens, IVDT offers several print systems.
On-board Paper Printers
- Thermal or Dot Matrix
- Bluetooth Connectivity
- Quick Charge Adapter
- Compact & Rugged
- Accurate & Efficient
- Cost Effective
- Easy to Use
Zebra QLn420 Label Printer
- Adhesive Label
- Bluetooth Connectivity
- Barcode Display
- On-board Power Cradle & Mount
- Customizable Fields
- Rugged Industry Standard
Compatible with ED2/3/4/5

Compatible with ED3/4/5

USB Data Extraction
On select SkidWeigh systems the option to retrieve data through USB is offered right from the unit itself. This provides the convenience of an instant report in excel format that is both easy to sort and pre-indexed with the information inputed during the event process. Less expensive than printers USB data extraction protects the integrity of your data by eliminating lost receipts or damaged printers. The USB data output is more comprehensive than print receipts as reports will detail all events the system is capable of capturing. Simply download to USB and upload to any terminal.
Systems Offering USB Data Extraction
- SkidWeigh ED3
- SkidWeigh ED4
- SkidWeigh ED5
- IM2
- IM3
- BS400 SKM Base Station

FTP Data Upload
All SkidWeigh systems utilizing the BS400 SKM Base Station communication hub are capable of uploading data directly to a designated network file. This is particularly convenient and efficient for larger fast paced applications that cannot wait for print receipts and USB reports to be collected. 'File Transfer Protocol' allows your business to select time intervals to receive data automatically and or archive data on a daily basis for back up. This system requires no input from vehicle operators and therefore does not impede production. The BS400 SKM Base Station is configured by the end user to archive the event selections required and push them to the network.
Systems Offering USB Data Extraction
- SkidWeigh ED4
- SkidWeigh ED5
- IM3

LAN Web Page
All SkidWeigh systems utilizing the BS400 SKM Base Station communication hub are also capable of providing a LAN webpage for network users. Event details are visible in relative 'Real Time' as they happen and sortable on a static scrollable interface. The web page interface also allows for automatic report download in excel format. The Information Suite is visible at any time and details all events that the feeding systems captures and send. The Information Suite is perfect for larger fleets and or companies who need data on demand.
Systems Offering USB Data Extraction
- SkidWeigh ED4
- SkidWeigh ED5
- IM3